OCLA Injury Lawyer: Buena Park, CA
Injuries can impact you, your life, and your household substantially. It’s critical not to overlook these concerns and obtain legal counsel right away. With the guidance of an experienced law firm, you stand a much better chance of receiving compensation for all your damages. You deserve to be compensated for losses incurred after an injury due to someone else’s carelessness.
That’s why OCLA Injury Lawyer Ryan Maughan serves Orange County, Los Angeles, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County and the neighboring regions by assisting accident victims with their injury compensation claims.
We can help you back on your feet, in control of your life, health, and finances lost through no fault of your own. Each personal injury case is unique. We try to ensure that our clients, their family members, and our team of private investigators and accident reconstruction experts comprehend the law entirely before we begin. With this complete understanding, we can work toward winning your case together.
We can provide a free, no-obligation consultation if you have questions regarding your injury claim. Please get in touch with us at (949) 503-9035, email us through our website, or visit us at our Buena Park, California office. We are eager to help.
What types of personal injury claims does OCLA Injury Lawyer handle in Orange County and Los Angeles?
Our law firm works on behalf of individuals who have suffered injuries. We can assist you or someone you care about with every stage of the legal procedure. The following are some examples of some of the personal injury cases we handle:
Car Accidents
When roads are congested, it can make driving dangerous. When there is bad weather, the roads can be worse. Every driver risks damage, regardless of how cautious they are when following traffic laws and taking all required precautions. When a person violates traffic laws, the risk of being responsible for an accident becomes higher.
It is not your responsibility to pay for an accident where you’re found not to be at fault. Distracted drivers, drunkenness, and drug use are common reasons behind collisions. Our law practice advocates for people who suffer injuries in a crash, and we aim to make sure they receive compensation for their injuries.
Bus Accidents
To keep passengers safe and obey traffic laws, bus drivers must be responsible for their customers’ safety and follow the law. Unfortunately, even though bus drivers follow the law in a vehicle accident, another motorist in the accident may blame any party. As a result, bus accidents in California are not uncommon, and Ryan Maughan at OCLA Injury Lawyer takes these cases very seriously.
Bus accidents can hurt people. Driver inattention is often the cause of both vehicle and bus accidents. Every year, an easy-to-avoid source of collisions leads to hundreds of personal injury claims.
Bus drivers, on the other hand, must adhere to all state regulations. They must be constantly vigilant and attentive to avoid any accidents. When they aren’t, the bus drivers are responsible for injuries due to their inattentiveness.
If you find yourself being the victim of a bus accident, call OCLA Injury Lawyer for legal advice. We’ll represent you or a family member in a compensation claim or lawsuit. You deserve compensation from those accountable for your injuries.
Dog Bites
Bites from dogs can leave scars on your body. You need a lawyer if an animal bite hurts you. Without proper representation, you may not be able to receive a total possible compensation amount.
Our law office can help you understand your options if a dog has bitten you. We will help you collect evidence and information about the dog’s owner so that we can support your claim as effectively as possible.
It’s difficult to determine who is responsible for an assault after the fact because dogs are generally untrained to act violently. Dog ownership entails obligations, such as keeping it on its owner’s property and ensuring it does not wander into other people’s yards.
If you or someone you love gets hurt from a pet’s behavior despite being well-trained, they can owe compensation for the medical expenses and pain you experience. Not only that, but you can also seek payment of how much money it takes to recover from the damage.
Contact Orange County dog bite lawyer Ryan Maughan at OCLA Injury Lawyer if you have injuries. We can help you fight for the compensation you deserve after an accident involving a dog or another pet.
Drunk Driving Accidents
In California, driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal. Despite this, reckless drivers on public roads continue to drive irresponsibly. It can contribute to a traffic accident. If you have been the victim of a drunk driver after being involved in an auto collision, our law firm can help you seek compensation from them.
Our office dedicates itself to holding dangerous drivers accountable for their actions. We recover compensation for victims who suffer injuries because a negligent or distracted party caused a collision on the road.
Suppose someone takes away your ability to live your everyday life because they made bad choices while driving. In that case, you should seek damages that provide immediate financial relief and long-term stability to your life. Injuries from car accidents may require surgery or medication, both of which produce costly medical bills. You also lose time from work while recovering from the damage done by another irresponsible driver.
Hit & Run Accidents
Any motorist may be involved in an accident in Orange County, which is a very crowded area. They range from unprofessional drivers to reckless individuals who don’t want to stay around after causing damage.
Hit & run accidents can happen anywhere in California, whether on roads or parking lots inside shopping malls. When an inconsiderate driver takes off after playing a role in an accident, they leave you without help when you need it most.
If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, contact Ryan Maughan at OCLA Injury Lawyer for legal counsel. We’ll collaborate with you to develop a strong case. After searching for a guilty party, they will be responsible for paying any medical expenses and other associated costs associated with repairing your property.
Motorcycle Accidents
There are several reasons why motorcycles may be involved in accidents. Reckless driving and speeding near a motorcycle can frequently result in devastating injuries, mainly because riders do not have safeguards against the elements.
The advantages of motorcycles lie in their flexibility and agility, making them ideal for maneuvering around traffic or through obstacles. If drivers understand different techniques required for safety purposes, motorcycles become even more agile. However, most motorists aren’t looking out for those in motorcycles, which increases the risk of collision.
We know that a motorcycle accident can be a lot of trouble. If a motorcycle accident happens, we will fight for the person hurt because someone else was careless. Call us if someone close to you is the victim of a motorcycle accident.
Pedestrian Accidents
When people think about Orange County, California, they might not believe pedestrians are at risk of injury. After all, this isn’t a very densely populated city, so it would seem unlikely that someone not in a vehicle could become involved in an accident with another driver.
Despite the number of areas without roadways nearby where pedestrians can walk safely along sidewalks and crossroads, there are still times when accidents happen between both parties because drivers do not abide by traffic laws or pay attention to what’s happening around them.
If you have an injury after getting hit by a car as a pedestrian or if your loved one died from injuries suffered from being struck by a vehicle on foot, let Ryan Maughan at OCLA Injury Lawyer help you file a case against the negligent party.
While pedestrians can recover compensation for injuries they suffered on the road, not every circumstance falls under this category of personal injury. For example, if someone was walking on private property instead of being in a crosswalk or shoulder area close to the road, they will not be protected by the same laws and cannot sue for damages.
Call our office today at (949) 503-9035 to learn more about personal injury claims caused by drivers failing to take responsibility for their actions.
Premises Accidents
Premises incidents are another common type of personal injury incident. Most premises accidents harm someone else’s property due to a design or maintenance flaw. Before it becomes severe enough to cause risk to passers-by, the individual in charge of maintaining the site where an accident occurred must be aware of the problem.
When an injury occurs when someone fails to keep their property safe for individuals, you may have a case for premises liability. If you suffer an injury due to someone else’s carelessness, please let us assist you in determining if they are liable. The property owner is sometimes partially or fully responsible for the damages.
If you have an injury at a construction site, on someone else’s property, or inside of a store, and the damage is due to faulty equipment, then we urge you to contact our office today. We will work with you to prepare for legal proceedings through every step of the process.
Slip & Fall Accidents
A common premise accident involves slip and falls. When slippery floors, poor lighting, and disrepair lead to falls inside a store or other business, the company is responsible for keeping its customers safe.
When someone suffers injuries resulting from being hurt in a slip-and-fall incident, they can file a lawsuit against those at fault. For example, if you took a tumble because someone spilled liquid on the floor without cleaning it up or providing a warning to others that it was there, then this is a liability for premises accidents.
If you slipped on ice outside near where people regularly walk, but no one had cleared off the area around it yet because it was too early in the season for snow and ice formation, then whoever is responsible must pay damages. It is, however, possible for you to be partially at fault if your behavior contributed to the incident.
At OCLA Injury Lawyer we will work diligently to help you recover damages you suffered because of another’s negligence or poor decision-making skills. If you fell and hurt yourself on someone else’s property, then rest assured that our office will help you fight for your case.
Truck Accidents
The significant weight of commercial trucks versus typical commuter cars makes truck accidents dangerous. Large vehicles, owing to their size and strength, are more deadly than automobiles in some cases. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, tractor-trailers account for about one-third of fatal automobile accidents.
If you have an injury from a collision with one of these large vehicles, we urge you to contact our office right away to prepare for your case. We will help you obtain the evidence to prove that another party was responsible for causing this accident and the damages suffered.
There are many reasons why this could have occurred: failure on the trucker’s part to check their equipment, paying attention to other motorists around them, and so forth. Our law firm has helped countless others who have injuries from truck accidents seek compensation for the losses they have endured due to someone else’s negligence.
Workplace Injuries
A workplace injury is an accident that occurs while going to or from a place of employment, while on the job, or doing something for work that causes physical harm.
Workplace accidents can come in many shapes and sizes. They often involve a slip, trip, fall down some stairs, a blow to the body with an object such as machinery at the factory floor-level where people are working.
Unfortunately, the process of filing for this type of insurance can mean that you have to have documentation of injuries before being granted coverage. Once you present your case, you will receive monetary compensation for medical expenses associated with treating your workplace injury.
Whatever the cause, we are here to help when someone is the victim of an accident. We will work with you and the insurance companies involved to seek a reasonable settlement that meets your needs and matches what we know we can obtain for you.
You Are Entitled to Reimbursement for All of Your Damages.
We understand that injuries can put a heavy strain on your wallet. If you are the victim of someone else’s negligence, then our firm will work to help you secure total and fair compensation for the following damages:
- Injuries from a personal injury accident.
- Lost wages from time missed at work.
- Damage to property caused during an incident.
There could be more than one party responsible for what happened to you or your loved ones in some cases. If this is the case, we can still represent your claim and fight for justice on your behalf without conflict of interest because we only represent the injured party. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.