Driving is an essential part of our lives. But sometimes car accidents happen, and if it happens to you, you may find yourself unable to pay for your medical bills, to fix your car, or make ends meet. If you are injured in a car accident due to someone’s negligence, attorney Ryan L. Maughan, can help you get compensated for your injuries and other damages.
There are many types of car accidents. Multi-vehicle accidents happen when two cars crash into each other. Left-turn collisions happen when one car crashes into another car that’s turning left. Rear-end collisions happen when someone impacts the back of another car in front of them. And T-bone or side-impact collisions usually happen when someone doesn’t stop at an intersection or runs a red light and directly impacts the side of someone’s car. Car accidents can also occur when riding with Uber or Lyft drivers.
Some common injuries from a car crash are lacerations, whiplash, bruising, and concussions. Torn muscles and internal injuries are other common injuries.You can also suffer more serious injuries like broken bones, back injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Some injuries can be life altering like amputations, spinal cord injuries that may include paralysis, or an eye injury that can result in blindness or loss of eyesight.
What are the Possible Damages for a Car Accident in California?
There are many different types of damages that can result from a car accident. Economic damages cover past and future bills related to the car accident, including medical bills, travel expenses for doctor’s visits, vehicle repair or replacement costs, and wages lost by taking time off work. Non-economic damages cover pain and suffering from injuries, emotional distress from accidents, and other unquantifiable losses.
If someone dies in a car accident, the surviving family can sue for compensation. This is called a wrongful death lawsuit. The damages that are awarded are usually split into two categories: damages for injuries and losses the decedent suffered between the time of the accident and their death, and compensation for losses incurred by their family after their loved one’s death. In some cases, a judge or jury may award punitive damages to punish the person who has done something wrong and to make sure they do not do it again.
Is There A Way For Me To Settle My Case Without An Attorney?
If there was no major damage and you had no more than minor sprains, it is possible that you can settle your own car accident claim. For example, if you have been discharged from care and are sure that there are no more treatments related to the accident, then it is possible for you to settle your car accident claim. But you may not have the knowledge and experience to negotiate against the insurance companies to receive a full recovery without the help of a lawyer.
When Should I Contact a Car Accident Attorney? What To Expect In the Process?
If you have broken bones or a serious injury requiring hospitalization or continued treatment, it’s important to hire an experienced lawyer in your area like Ryan L. Maughan, Esq. An attorney can help ensure you maximize your recovery without undergoing needless stress brought on by the insurance companies.
Filing a Lawsuit in California (Civil Litigation)
There are many steps to litigating (filing a lawsuit) for your motor vehicle accident in California. It is important to be aware of the litigation process if you plan to file a lawsuit. Many people that get into car accidents don’t know what to do because they don’t have experience with the legal system. They might not know what to expect. In most cases, people ask two questions when they are thinking about hiring a lawyer. The first question is how long the case will take to resolve, and the second is whether they will have to go to court. The answer depends on what happens in the settlement negotiation process and if the person decides to bring their claim all the way to court.
When someone suffers an injury from a car accident, settling can often be beneficial. Settling can help them obtain financial compensation sooner. But after the settlement is accepted, they cannot appeal the decision. Sometimes, the other party’s insurance company does not offer a fair settlement, so taking this claim to trial might be necessary. In addition to that, going to court means that you can appeal decisions with which you disagree. However, this cuts both ways because the defendant can also appeal, which means that any resolution may be delayed for years. Trials are very stressful and may require disclosing private information that people may want to keep to themselves. Regardless of whether the case is settled or goes to trial, accident victims should choose an attorney who has the experience and courage to take a case to trial if required.
Understanding the California Auto Insurance Policy
California law requires drivers to have auto insurance with the state. Liability insurance covers injuries and property damage you cause in an accident. If there is a claim against you, your insurance company will likely pay for it. It will also cover your lawyer if there is a lawsuit made against you.
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage are parts of the typical car insurance policy that most people do not understand. If someone hits you, and they do not have insurance, or if their coverage is less than necessary to cover your losses, then this part of your car insurance will cover you. If that person only has minimal liability insurance and they cause serious injury, underinsured Motorist Coverage can protect you in this scenario.
Medical Payments or MedPay is a small health insurance policy that will pay some of your medical bills after you have been in an accident. The person who caused the accident is responsible for paying your medical bills but this might take years. It is generally worth it to have Medical Payments, even if you already have a health insurance policy. If you don’t have any health insurance and your deductibles are high, it’s wise to get Medical Payments.
After a Car Accident, How do you Determine the Other Driver’s Insurance Policy Limits
Knowing the other driver’s insurance policy limit is important. It helps you figure out if they have enough insurance to cover your injuries. If not, it will help you determine whether you may need to access your own insurance through the uninsured or underinsured motorist policy.
You might have a problem with the other driver’s insurance. You need to find out what their policy limits are before you can negotiate a settlement. There are many ways to find out what the other driver’s insurance is. One way is by sending them a demand package, which is written communication that tells them they owe money for your injuries and property damage; another way is by emailing or talking to the other driver about it; one more way is if you already have an uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage with your own insurance company, they might be able to get the information for you; another option would be hiring an investigative service; or lastly, you can file a lawsuit.
What Should I Do To Protect My Rights And Win The Case?
After an accident, it is important to report the accident. That way, the police can come to the scene and prepare a police report that will be useful when negotiating with the other driver’s insurance company. Make sure to take pictures of injuries, property damage, weather conditions, skid marks, and anything else that might be helpful. Seek medical treatment right away if you think it might be necessary. Medical treatment can help prevent symptoms from getting worse. You will need records of your medical treatment to show how your accident caused your injuries. Insurance adjusters will often argue that you are not injured if you don’t go to the doctor first. Notify your own insurance company right away, but be careful of what you say because they could later try to use this information to deny your underinsured or uninsured claim or even share this information with the other side’s adjuster. In an accident, never speak to the other drivers’ insurance adjusters before you’ve consulted an attorney. Also, aside from the police and treating medical providers, do not talk to anyone about your accident. Don’t use social media or chat online if you are injured. And don’t sign any documents until you’ve consulted with an attorney. Keep track of your medical expenses and lost wages. And lastly, document everything so it is included in your demand letter and is factored into your eventual claim and potential settlement.